Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Well, it was a busy morning. It was Deanna's turn to drive Mom to the doctors We started at MD Anderson Cancer Center at 8:45 where I filled out more papers and answered more questions. I had a consultation with my surgeon, Dr. Shellenberger. He said the chest x-ray was fine. Then he goes into detail about the procedure. I will start off in Nuclear Medicine where they will do something called a Sentinel Lymph Node Procedure. My neck will be deadened and dye shot into my lymph nodes. If there is a suspicious node it will be biopsied while I am in surgery. He told me about the surgery, but I won't bore you with those details. I'll stay at ORMC for Monday night and go home some time Tuesday. We left there and had to go to the admitting. This was a 2 hour procedure where I answered many, many questions and gave them three vials of my hard earned blood. We got home around 2:30
(after going to BJ's Brewhouse for lunch.)
     I'm going to ask my friends not to come to the hospital on Monday after surgery. I know you love me but I will just be drugged up and probably won't have my make up on and I wouldn't  want to scare you off. I will be going home on Tuesday so that evening may be a better time. I won't think any less of you if you don't come at all. I'll see most of you on Sunday anyway.
     God is still blessing me so much. Deanna and I had such a great conversation over lunch talking about the Lord and all He has done for this whole family. It is truly a blessing to be able to discuss things of the Lord with my daughters. He is beyond awesome!Good night and love to all of you who read this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary,
    We at Redemption OPC in Gainesville, Florida are praying for you and your family. You are a testimony to the peace that rests in the hearts of believers. I will continue to follow your blog and update our church on how to pray for you. My husband, Steve, and I are good friends with Matt and Deanna; we used to attend Lake Sherwood when we lived in Orlando. Thank you again for keeping this blog; it is clear that your strength rests in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
    God bless,
    Shelli Reeves
