Saturday, October 8, 2011


     Well, if blessings come through raindrops we have had a very blessed day here in Central Florida. We had a wonderful Bible study and I could not ask for a bigger blessing. After the study Donna, Kay and I went to First Watch for lunch. The rain makes for a dull dreary day outside but inside it is wonderful. I'm surrounded by all the beautiful things God has given us over the years. We truly believe that all we have came from God. There is a story that goes with that belief, perhaps I'll tell it one of these days. I have spent the afternoon catching up on some reading and answering emails. I got an email from a dear high school friend that lives in Texas and she sent me the song that is on the address below. Just click on it and be blessed. Even if you don't like country music you will love this. She said it would make me shed tears well, it didn't, it made me do the ugly cry. I can't even remember how many times I have watched it this afternoon.  That song always brings me to tears because the words seem anointed, to me.

     In reading some Psalms this morning I realized something about King David. He was pretty human. Just like we are. He had his ups and downs. He sinned and asked forgiveness. He got depressed but even then he knew God was with him and protecting him. He praised the Lord with some of the most beautiful words in the Bible. He paid dearly for his sins and was denied the awesome privilege of building God's temple because he had been a man of war. He had problems with his children and his spouses. But no matter how bad it got he always knew he was in God's hands. I have gotten to know King David better and I think it would have been a great pleasure to know him in person. At least I will have that privilege someday. I think he would be happy to know what a blessing his life was to me.
     Tomorrow is my favorite day of the week, again. I am looking forward to the blessings God has for me and for you too.

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