Friday, June 22, 2012

June 17, 2012
     5 down  25 to go. 1 week down 5 to go.
     I am feeling very well. The left side of my face is beginning to swell a little and my left eye waters a bit in the morning. The knot under my left ear that has been there since surgery  was going down some but it is getting big again. I will have a consultation with Dr. Manon (pronounced Man yon) on Monday morning after radiation and I’ll ask him about that.
     Amanda, our granddaughter, found out that the baby, Colton, is breach and she is going to have to have a C-section probably sometime next week. Our family is keeping the area hospitals in business.
     I brought Billy home this morning. He’s doing pretty good. I have to keep him moving a little or he is just going to freeze up. He did eat some lunch, more than in the hospital so that’s a good thing.
     I managed to talk him into getting into the shower. He is still moving very slow, but not as slow as he was when he was hooked up to the IV stand and had to drag it along with him.
     Some of the kids are coming over tonight they wanted to know if they could bring food, but the fridge is full right now and I still feel like doing a few things. The timing of this was perfect, didn’t God know that? Another week and I might not have been able to be much help.
     I have planned out my prayer schedule while in the radiation machine (I have named it   Nagasaki) I take my own quiet instrumental music to play over the roar of the machine. I have a pretty good schedule. It is somewhat like it is at home, but I don’t have notes to follow along with because my eyes are shut and held closed by the mask. By-the-way, I found out today that I will take the mask home after my last treatment. They said some people put them on the wall and one person said they were going to put it in the driveway and run over it. Good idea!
     My schedule is: Monday– prayers for the family. Tuesday– prayers for our church and the precious people in it. Wednesday– prayers for our missionaries. Thursday– prayers for our country, the world and the leadership. Friday-praise to the Lord by thinking of every name I can remember the He is called and thanksgiving for the many blessing He has bestowed on me and my family. It is amazing how many names God gives Himself in the Bible. I can’t remember all of them but I was surprised at how many I did remember.
     I ordered a book today, a novel, on my Kindle that was written by a class mate of mine from high school. The title is Thunder in the Negev: the 6 day war. I can’t wait to start it so I am putting aside what I am reading now to start it.
     It is just 9:00 and I am very tired so I am going to go through my nightly routine and get to bed early. Perhaps the RT’s are finally getting to me or I may just be coming down from a very busy week. Anyway, I will talk with you tomorrow.
     Love you all, 
     Mary Margaret
     The big "C" in me is Christ enabling me to deal with the little "c" which is the cancer!
Don’t forget to E-mail me . . .

1 comment:

  1. Glad everyone is doing well. Or as good as can be considering the circumstances. Just wanted to let you know I read your blog everyday. I love being able to keep up with everyone and know what's going on. Praying for you all! Love you! -Carissa
