Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26, 2012
     7 down 23 to go.
     It is raining constantly and has been for days. There is a tropical storm front going through and we haven’t seen the sun for about a week. This is a good thing for me since I can’t get sun on my face, like a vampire I only come out on overcast days and nights.
     After the treatment I had an appointment with a dietician. We had the best time talking for about 2 hours. She did give me some ideas about how to get in enough calories to keep from losing weight. I don’t like the idea but they are telling me I have to do it. I was counting on this opportunity to lose weight because you always lose during radiation. I may try to sneak in a pound or two loss along the way.
     I am starting to get some little bumps in my mouth and along my tongue. They are like the “lie bumps” we sometime get on our tongues. My throat is also getting sore a little. I use my gargles as often as I can, but it is hard to work them into my daily routine.
     Yesterday I met with Dr. Manon. He always greets me with a big smile and a hardy handshake. Yesterday he said, “How in my favorite patient today?” I‘m sure he says that because I made a baby blanket for the baby they are expecting next month. He said he will bring a      picture of how his wife put it in the baby’s room when I see him next week.
     God has given me the opportunity to bring Him up to several people along the way.       Yesterday I got to talking to a lady in the dressing room after my treatment. She just had her last treatment for cancer in her spine, liver and some other place I can’t remember. She said she had brain cancer before and thought she had beat it, but it came back. We talked awhile and I told her how I prayed during the treatments and my schedule for each day. I told you the schedule before, but here it is again. Monday-family, Tuesday-our church family, Wednesday-our missionaries, Thursday-our country, the world and leaders, Friday-praise and thanksgiving.  The time goes by quickly. Anyway, she and I had a nice hug and said we would pray for each other. Her name is Marjory, please pray for her if you remember. Today I got to talk a little about the Lord with the Dietician.
     Billy went back to work today. I didn’t think he was ready, but he is a man and they can sometimes be rather stubborn. His throat is real raspy from the tubes they put down his throat to look into his stomach. He took some Honeygar (honey and vinegar) to make a hot tea to drink which is very good for the throat. All this rainy weather isn’t helping his throat either. I hope he gets better soon.
     It’s time to start getting ready for bed. I find that I am ready to go to bed earlier and earlier every night. I don’t seem to get much done during the day. By the time I get home from RT I just want to rest. Some days I can get a little done, like a load a washing or a little cleaning in the kitchen.
     Fortunately, someone made us a wonderful chicken pot pie for tonight and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks, Toni. We will be enjoying it for a few days. That was a great treat!
     I’ll tell you about my acupuncture visit tomorrow.
     Much love to all,
          Mary Margaret
The big "C" in me is Christ enabling me to deal with the little "c" which is the cancer!
Don’t forget to E-mail me . . .

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