3 down 27 to go!
This was another busy day. Billy is still in the hospital. He had gall bladder surgery this afternoon at 5:00. He was back in the room around 7:00 and feeling pretty good considering what he had just been through. He was getting tired so we all left around 8:00. As usual we had a raucous good time with the family there. Alyssa fed him strawberry Jell-O and I keep the straw in his apple juice close by so he could drink from it. He said he could get use to that kind of treatment. Alyssa has always said she would take care of us when we get old. (She doesn't realize that we are already old.) While she was feeding him she said, “Papaw, get use to this because I’m not going to let anybody put you and Mimi in a home.” She is such a precious granddaughter. At 23 she is just a sweet, innocent and lovely as she was as a child. She is very pretty and friendly. Beverly and Tom love her and she loves them. At Beverly’s 70th birthday party she got to dance with Tom and got a big thrill out of that. They call each other their dance partner. So cute!
I had another RT this morning. Going from home to Billy in hospital then to my treatment and back to his hospital. Amanda was there when he woke up and he said it was really something to wake up and see her sitting on the couch. She was there all day and her baby is due in 3 weeks. I don’t know how she does it. She is going into some form of medicine, probably nursing, and has been going to school so she knows a lot about the things going on there. She is like her sister, very special. They must get it from their mother, Dorean. Out girls have great children, so sweet and good to their Mimi and Papaw.
I came home and had to take care of the dog and cat. Did my dental stuff. Now I am going to finish this and go to bed. I am doing fine. My face is getting a little red on the left side, I keep putting my Aloe Vera plant on it and it feels better. It is warmer than the other side of my face and neck so I guess the radiation is starting to build up. I may be getting a little more tired at the end of the day, but that may be because of all I am having to do since Billy isn’t home.
God is blessing and I have no complaints. I am even getting use to the mouth piece I have to wear for treatment. The time goes quickly and I have this time to pray for so many people and things. That is a blessing! Also, it is good that Billy went through this early in my treatment because if it were later, I might not be able to do what I am able to do now. He takes care of us is a wonderful way. Thank you, Lord!
It will be good to have Billy back at home. Our little Annie, our doggie, misses him and waits for him to come in the door after I get home. She sleeps next to him under the covers. The cat, Sassy, sleeps on my pillow. She missed me when I was in the hospital. We love our “babies.”
So good night, my friends. God bless you all.
Mary Margaret
The big "C" in me is Christ enabling me to deal with the little "c" which is the cancer!
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