Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Sorry about not writing yesterday, but Dorean did a good job for me. I told her I would give you the whole story today. I was just too tired to think. It was a very full, busy and tiring day but a blessing too.
     Billy and I left the house at 7:00 am and got to the hospital a little early thinking things would move along ahead of time, but not so. Hospital time is not the same as our time. Actually we didn’t get but one hour behind my scheduled surgery.
     After checking in we went to Nuclear Medicine and I was taken back to a room with a big x-ray type machine. A very nice male nurse was telling me what to expect. It didn’t sound too bad except for the radiation injections. He said they would sting like a bee. A very nice lady doctor came in to administer the injections. She apologized ahead of time telling me the injections would sting pretty bad. I was to get four,(as the nurse put it north, south, east and west) one around the place on my cheek where the tumor had been. The nurse brought the injections in encased in four things that looked like small bombs, about twelve inches high. He screwed off the top and the syringes were in them. The nice lady doctor said “I will let you know when I insert the needle and when I will start the injection.” Well, the needle was really nothing so I thought I had it made, but when she started putting in the radiation it felt like a mixture of crushed glass and Tabasco Sauce. IT REALLY HURT! When that process was finished the machine had to map the radiation to see which lymph node that part of my cheek drained to. They would remove that one in surgery.
     Finally, I was prepped for surgery. So many tubes, questions and nurses around me. I don’t even remember going out. They snuck that one in on me. They usually tell you or ask you to count backwards or something. Two and a half hours later I woke up with the sorest throat I've ever had. I finally got some ice chips which helped but only a little. I got two incisions, one where the tumor had been and one right in front of my left ear where they took out the lymph node. I was in one recovery room for a while then they moved to a different room after they had unhooked everything except the pressure cuff. I have to have the cuff on below my elbow or it hurts so bad that my blood pressure will go way up. This cute male nurse moved it up and I didn’t realize it at the time. The first time it went off he walked by and I said “Cutie Pie, the cuff was lower for a reason.” I said it sweetly. Cutie Pie” popped out before I knew it. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I have to watch myself when I have that “happy juice” they gave me.
     Billy and the girls came back and said the doctor had given a good report. He said they would have the results of the biopsy when I came to the office on Tuesday next week and the lymph node looked good and that I could go home. YEAH! I was so happy that I didn’t have to stay in the hospital over night. Thank You Lord!
     Many people at the hospital said “Good luck” to me. I told them, luck has nothing to do with it, I am counting on the Great Physician to take care of me. And He has. It is so remarkable all the things He has accomplished during this time. To begin with, if the tumor had been anywhere else on my body I probably would not have found it for a long time. Because it was on my face which I touch so often I found it early. He sent me to the best oncologist in the state who specializes in head and neck cancer. I am trusting Him that the lymph node biopsy is going to come back with no trace of cancer in it. It is one great miracle after another. He has strengthened my faith, answered my prayers, given me new life and touched my life in such a way that I will never be the same. I have a new and closer walk with Him. Thank you Heavenly Father, You are Awesome!
     Today has been great. I’ve had two naps, still no appetite, but that’s alright I know it will return with a vengeance. I will keep blogging for a while, at least till after I have my last check up. Maybe even through our cruise on the 24th.

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