Saturday, October 1, 2011


     It was a fun day. I went to see a basketball game with Dorean, Amanda and Michael. McKenzie my little almost 5 year old great-granddaughter was a cheer leader. All the kids were 4, 5 and 6 years old. If you haven't seen little boys that age play basketball you have really missed something. Their coaches ran up and down the court with them telling them where to go when to shoot and which end of the court to play on. It was 1/2 court with short periods. Even their ball was smaller. The hoops were lower and they had on their little basketball uniforms. Too cute! The cheer leaders, of which McKenzie was the cutest, had their little cheer leading uniforms and pom poms. They did a pretty good job, even had some real cheers to do.
     I want to leave you with a song tonight. It has excited me more than any song in a long while. The words are amazing and so meaningful. I feel that "I Am New" also. What God has brought me through has made a new person of me. Listen closely to the words. Enjoy!

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